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51 Facts About The Human Body That Prove We Have Super Powers


You’re basically an Avenger.

1. The human heart, ripped from a chest cavity ala Indiana Jones can indeed continue to beat for a short period of time because it has it’s own electrical system and would continue to receive oxygen from the exposed air.

2. Stomach acid is so strong that your body grows an entirely new stomach lining every 3-4 days.

3. The human nose can recognize and remember 50,000 unique scents, which is still no where near as powerful as a dog’s.

4. You sneeze at the speed of 100 miles per hour or more.

5. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels inside of you, which is enough to wrap around the Earth’s equator roughly two and half times.

6. Everyday your heart creates enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles. In a lifetime, your heart creates enough energy to drive that truck to the moon and back.

7. On average a human sheds so much skin in a lifetime that by the time you turn 70, you’ll have removed an entire small human, 105 lbs, from yourself.

8. If you look into a clear night sky and can see Andromeda, it means your eyes are so sensitive and powerful that they’re picking up a small fuzzy blob of light that, as our closest neighboring galaxy, is 2.5 million light years away.

9. It’s possible to snore at 80 decibels which is equivalent to sleeping next to a pneumatic drill breaking up concrete. Noise levels over 85 decibels are considered hazardous to the human ear.

10. A person produces enough spit in a lifetime to fill two swimming pools, roughly 25,000 quarts.

11. You are made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that’s 7 octillion) atoms.

12. And every single one of those 7 octillion atoms is billions of years old.

13. Neurons fire at the speed of 150 miles per hour.

14. In addition to the five senses, you actually have an extra meta-sense called proprioception which combines your brain’s knowledge of what your muscles are doing with a feel for the size and shape of your body so you can know where the parts of your body are with respect to each other. It’s how you can close your eyes still touch your nose unerringly.

15. Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen too.

16. Your brain, when awake, generates enough electricity to light a lightbulb.

17. Ounce for ounce, your bones are stronger than steel, since a bar of steel of comparable size would weigh four or five times as much. A cubic inch of bone can in principle bear a load of 19,000 lbs, roughly five standard pickup trucks.

18. And yet despite they fact that they’re stronger than steel, 31% of your bones are made of water.

19. If the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels. In comparison, the Mamiya DSLR was the highest megapixel count camera I could find at 80 megapixels, retailing at a whopping $34,000.

20. In addition, experts estimate that the human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors.

21. If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells in your body would stretch 10 billion miles—from here to Pluto and back.

22. In a lifetime, your brain’s long-term memory can hold as many as 1 quadrillion (1 million billion) separate bits of information.

23. The human brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex which helps us with social skills and understanding other people, is still developing well into your 40’s.

24. During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million barrels of blood—enough to fill 200 train tank cars.

25. Your body makes 180 million red blood cells an hour.

26. While a normal pregnancy lasts nine months, the longest recorded pregnancy is 375 days, 12.5 months.

27. During pregnancy, if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.

28. It takes 200 muscles to take one step.

29. Researchers found 1,458 new species of bacteria in belly buttons.

30. Most astronauts become two inches taller in space.

31. 6 billion steps of DNA are contained in a single cell.

32. For every egg that’s impregnated, there’s 200-500 million sperm vying to pass on it’s DNA.

33. By the time you die, you’ll have spent a third of your life sleeping.

34. A study found that you can reset your brain’s sleep-wake clock (circadian rhythm) by shining a light on the back of your knee.

35. A person can survive for 2 months without food.

36. Your tongue isn’t the only place you have taste receptors, you also have them in your stomach, intestines, pancreas, lungs, anus, testicles and brain.

37. New physical connections are created between neurons in the brain every time you form a memory.

38. It’s scientifically proven that even a small dose of power changes how a person’s brain operates, usually by diminishing empathy.

39. You can survive without oxygen for 5-10 mins before your brain cells start to die.

40. Your brain is 60% fat.

41. The human brain will eat itself as a last ditch attempt to ward of starvation (aka in case of extreme dieting/malnutrition).

42. The vagina is self-cleaning.


43. Phobias may be memories passed down in genes from ancestors.

44. Your auto-programmed response to certain stimuli is called emotion.

45. Long-term memories create permanent lasting physical changes in the brain.

46. If you adjust your facial expression to reflect an emotion, you’ll actually begin to feel that emotion.

47. A human eye can only see a small fraction of your visual field at a time, so the eye performs 2-3 saccades (quick, automatic eye movements) per second to complete a single complete picture.

48. When you recollect a memory, it’s not the original memory, it’s creative reimagination that will often feature holes and completely new parts.

49. Your mind forgets information to protect itself from information overload and emotional hangovers which helps it to think more quickly and assimilate new information easier.

50. The mind can practice new tasks, such as learning a new piece of music during REM sleep. REM sleep also appears to boost performance with tasks involving procedural memory, or the subconscious “how-to” knowledge.

51. Society has a “canonical perspective” which means we all view certain things the same way. For example: when researchers asked people around the world to draw a coffee cup, almost everyone drew a coffee cup from a perspective slightly above the cup looking down and offset a little to the right or left, no one drew it looking straight down from above.


Image: © http://www.mymanmitt.com

Written by: Krutika Mallikarjuna


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