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NEWS (June 2021)

Within the framework of the joint project “Topic.sirius”, the ISED Institute and the consulting and analytical division Intelligence Center, work has been completed on the creation of the second version of the analytical system “Topic.sirius”.

Link to “TOPIC. SIRIUS V2 “http://sirius-iq.com/


This versatile workstation analyst is designed to collect and process large amounts of data from open sources of information. This, without exaggeration, a unique analytical tool allows not only to evaluate the materials of the information space separately, but also to “see the breath” of the entire information field as a whole. In addition, our system is capable of automatically assessing the sources of information themselves that distribute content and form the information field.

Also, the ISED Institute is developing a training program for analysts on open sources of information, with the help of which anyone can master this specialty. Anyone interested in obtaining the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to work with open information can write on the the institute’s mail info@isedworld.org. Our team continues to work on improving the analytical system and has already begun work on the third version of TOPIC. SIRIUS.

NEWS (February 2021)

Report generation in Topic.Sirius v2

Within the framework of the joint project “Topic.sirius“, the ISED Institute and the consulting and analytical division of the Intelligence Center, work is underway to create the second version of the analytical system “Topic.sirius“.

Link to demo version “Topic.sirius”: http://topic.sirius-iq.com/

General Provisions

Topic.Sirius v2 is designed as a tool for constructing assessment reports on a selected category (Source, Object, macrointention, etc.), based on an automated analysis of the information flow (IF) generated by electronic news media (Sources).

Primary content analysis is the basis

Sections for generating a report are defined by the user by selecting (mark “To report”) information blocks on each functional page. The report profile is saved for each user. The list of saved profiles is displayed in the User’s Cabinet (Cabinet).

The Cabinet page displays a list of saved profiles. Each profile contains tagged / saved elements grouped into one feed (tagged “Topic of the day” / intention, Source, selected object, other, but only a list in the feed with a transition to the corresponding functional page), categories (Country sources, Rubric, other), blocks from all pages of the project (Diagrams, characteristics, etc.). When a profile is selected, an information tape of its components is displayed in the main window for generating a report (for example, in a PDF file) of the current or for a selected date and structure of elements with the possibility of turning them off.

The structure of the functional category page (Source, “Topic of the day”, Heading, Object, Subject)

Infographics – visualization of generalized characteristics of the IF, corresponding to the page functions.

Map – displays the daily projection of the intensity of indicators (quantity and quality of content), corresponding to page functions, by country.

  • Sources page – the number of messages from Sources registered in the country, when clicked – go to the list of sources registered in the country.
  • Page Topics of the day – the number of messages in which the country is mentioned (determined by the partial IP of the heading corresponding to the country), when you click – go to the Headings page “World”, a subsection of the selected country.

Section of generalized assessments of categories of information (IF, heading, object, etc.)

Daily assessment of IF sentiment in charts:

  • linguistic and statistical indicators of sentiment – Indicators (positive, negative, emotionality, manipulativeness, factual, analytics)
  • integral indicators (coefficient of PR influence, coefficient of informative value – CIV, temperament)

Graphs of IF intensity and its tonality for a period (week, month). Possibly one graph (chart / bar graph) summarizing all characteristics.

List of elements of the information category corresponding to the page functions:

  • “Topics of the Day” – intentions,
  • Sources – destructive / constructive propaganda,
  • Headings – subheadings,
  • Objects – categories of objects (Person, organization, etc.)

Table / list of information units selected for viewing, corresponding to the functions of the page with an additional generalized characteristic:

  • “Topics of the day” – the name of the Topics of the day, Partial passport, number of posts / stories, Indicators.
  • Sources – title, number of messages, Indicators.
  • Headings – (a list of only those Topics of the day whose messages correspond to the Heading) title of Topics of the day, Partial passport, number of messages / stories, Indicators.
  • Objects – (a list of only those Day Topics whose messages correspond to the Rubric) name of the Day Topics, Partial passport, number of messages / stories, Indicators.

and go to the detailed information page:

  • “Topics of the day” – list of messages
  • Sources – full description
  • Categories – list of messages
  • Objects – object card (Person, organization, etc.)

Calendar – provides the ability to update the date of viewing, analysis, report, etc. for the selected category corresponding to the page functionality.

Add – a form for entering the name of a category information unit (only for the Source, Object categories) corresponding to the page functionality for adding it to the system.

Search – a form for entering a search query to display the category of interest to the user (Source, “Topic of the day” / intention, Rubric, Object) corresponding to the page functionality.

Authorization is a form for entering key information to enter the user as a registered user with access to the personal Cabinet and activate content controls.

NEWS (September 2020)

Once again about “Topic.Sirius” in simple words.

Timeliness and relevance of the appearance of “Topic.Sirius” is due to several events taking place in the World at once.

So, during the period of active information wars unleashed by various political and economic groups in their own interests, there is an acute issue of assessing the information field in which we all live and determining the degree of its danger for each person, within the framework of personal psychological hygiene. In this part, “Topic.Sirius” acts as personal protective equipment.

For convenience, in Topic.Sirius, all news is colored with colors so that you can immediately visually assess the degree of information contamination of the material published in the media.

The intelligent information and analytical system does not limit users to a list of media sources in the selection table. With the help of the tool “Toxicity of text“, everyone can check any text material for the level of quality of information consumed.

In addition, Topic.Sirius can assist private and public entities in organizing their information policy. The system identifies sources of destructive propaganda that distribute manipulative and aggressive content and the topics on which these sources work. This allows you to get to know your opponent by sight, identify your shortcomings in information policy and develop specific counter-propaganda measures. In particular, to determine the directions of their constructive propaganda in order to neutralize the negative.

To prepare high-quality materials on counter-propaganda, you can use the same tool “Toxicity of the text”, which will tell you how much the prepared material meets the required parameters.

It should also be noted that recently there has been an active discussion about the ways of development of society in the post-crisis period. More and more experts agree that the future belongs to a planned economy (as a goal) using a market economy (as a method). In this context, “Topic.Sirius” can be viewed as a conceptual model of information and analytical systems of the future, maximally protected from the influence of the human factor in the process of analysis and forecasting, the main task of which will be to control the main areas of society. http://topic.sirius-iq.com/

As an illustration of the impact of negative information on a person, we’ll give an example from personal experience. This is how the test result looks like with the help of a program developed on the basis of the Luscher test after reading the current news. As you can see, the stress level is very high. http://my-medium.com/


NEWS (May 2020)

Text Toxicity

As a result of work on expanding the functionality of the analytical system “Topic.sirius”, the tool “Toxicity of the text” was developed, designed to ensure information hygiene of the person. With its help, you can analyze an arbitrary text and determine its quality from the point of view of the potential impact on the perception of information by the reader.

Demo Link «Topic.sirius»: http://topic.sirius-iq.com/

Link to the Text Toxicity tool: https://topic.sirius-iq.com/topic.php?lng=ru&page=mknow&part=&post_type_id=&post_id=

To analyze the text, just enter or copy it into a special window and click the “Process” button.

Note: Today, material is processed in Ukrainian or Russian, up to 8 thousand characters.

Examples of screenshots of the system:


The result of a successful analysis will be a table indicating (in %) the main indices that determine the quality of the entered text.



The coefficient of PR influence is an integral indicator, in percentage terms from a linguistic point of view, shows the degree of similarity of materials to “direct influence texts” (for a single message it is calculated on the basis of linguistic-statistical saturation of emotional and manipulative content; for the source and theme of the day as a characteristic of the whole corpus / sets of incoming messages)

Temper (Temperament) is an integral indicator that, based on the analysis of linguistic and statistical assessments of the content of messages, with a reliability of> 75%, shows the psychological / subjective characteristics of the author or their group in the preparation of materials.

Em (Emotionality) – in percentage terms, the score shows the presence of emotional vocabulary.

EV(Eventfulness) – in percentage terms, the score shows the presence of vocabulary characteristic for the presentation of factual material.

NE (Non-Eventuality) – as a percentage, shows the presence of vocabulary characteristic for the filing of author’s statements, opinions, subjective / expert assessments of events / processes / phenomena, etc.

MN (Manipulability) – in percentage terms, the score shows the presence of manipulative vocabulary.

NG (Negative) – in percentage terms, the score shows the presence of negative vocabulary.

PS (Positive) – in percentage terms, the score shows the presence of positive vocabulary.


NEWS (April 2020)

Sources of propaganda.

Within the framework of the joint project “Topic.sirius”, the ISED  and the consulting and analytical unit of the Intelligence Center, work continues on expanding the functionality of the analytical system “Topic.sirius”.

Demo Link: «Topic.sirius»: http://topic.sirius-iq.com/

Examples of screenshots of the system:


Thus, a system in an automatic mode, based on content analysis, can identify sources of constructive and destructive propaganda.


In addition, it is possible to view exactly which topics form the sources of propaganda in the information field.


NEWS (Feb. 2020)

Our institute, in the continuation of the research work “Research of the characteristics of the information space created by news flows of electronic media”, developed the analytical system “Topic.sirius”, which allows you to collect and analyze data circulating in the information field, as well as evaluate the sources that disseminate it (see down: Interface screenshot of system).

“Topic.sirius” allows you to:

1. Assess the general situation in the information field of the country and exercise control over its changes.
2. To control and evaluate the work of media sources that form the information field in the country.
3. To identify internal and external sources of threats to information security.
4. To identify the initiators of targeted informational influence on the subject of the attack, his psychological state or image on the international scene, as well as the sources of information through which this effect is carried out.
5. Monitor global political, economic, military, environmental and other processes, as well as monitor the actions of countries disseminating information in order to obtain unilateral advantages.
6. Identify opinion leaders and opinion transmitters, as well as external opponents. Assess their quantity and quality. Define their goals, objectives and working methods.

Demo link on the analytical system “Topic.sirius”: http://topic.sirius-iq.com/

Interface screenshot of system:



The Institute successfully carried out R&D:

“Research of the characteristics of the information space created by news flows of electronic media”.

As part of the ISED Institute’s R&D program for the development and implementation of automatic information and analytical systems to ensure the ecology of the information space of the state, we have developed an information technology for the study of information flows generated by electronic media.

The technology allows:
• Highlight the most important / resonant events (“Themes of the Day”) for the selected period (day).
• Conduct linguistic filtering of incoming content.
• Define and form thematic (linguistically defined industry, object, special) information flows.
• Evaluate both information flows and individual text messages for the presence of elements of influence (on the principle of “direct action text”) on the reader (emotionality, manipulative, factual, PR-influence, etc.) on the target audience.
• Separate the generalized content of information flows on the basis of: informing and having elements of analysis.

Several more R&D projects will be started at the Institute in the near future, which based on the positive results obtained.

Our Institute researches, stay and the analysis of features and regularities of social and economic development of the states; the influence of the environment on human health, etc. Researches are conducted by means of the information and analytical system developed by us, which belongs to systems of “artificial intelligence”. The automated system of multilevel transformation of information is the cornerstone of a Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH), which belongs to methods of inductive modeling and is one of the most effective methods of structural and parametrical identification of difficult objects, processes and systems according to supervision in the conditions of incompleteness of information.      

First of all our attention is focused on research of features of the country with the developed information economy as they are engines of world development.

Europe: Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Germany, UK and others.
Countries of the Middle East: The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and others.
The countries with the British-American model of development: the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Countries of the Asian region: Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, China and others.

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