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Stanislav Dubikovsky
Director of the Institute
E-Mail: info@isedworld.org (indicated for Stanislav Dubikovsky)

Author of the idea of the Institute, the creator of the concept of development of the Institute and co-founder. He was elected the Head at the founding meeting of the Institute in 2015.

The author of the monograph “The Edge of Epoch: The Fatal Choice of Humanity” (2019). English and German Edition (Kindle format) on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Stanislav-Dubikovsky/e/B07RTZYVW1?ref=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000

On June 21, 2020 Stanislav Dubikowski prepared and published in full-color A5 format a fundamental work on the history of the Earth and mankind “Palimpsest of the Gods: The Secret Revealed.”

For a long time S. Dubikovsky worked in public organizations. In recent years he has been a member of different social organizations. He was a candidate for the post of Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in February 2015.

In 2015 he defended his thesis on “The economic security of the state in the conditions of development of information society” (Economic sciences). He is the author of about 30 scientific works.

Diploma “Engineer, Radiophysics and electronics”, specialization “Medical Radiophysics” (Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, 2000).

Diploma of “International Economics” (Higher Educational Establishment “University of Economic and Low” “KROK”, Kyiv, 2009).

Diploma “Ensuring National Security” (National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2010).

Areas of research:

search for optimal ways of socioeconomic development of countries; State and International (Global) Security; Geopolitics; development of civil society; the search for innovative approaches to educational programs and research; social ecology.

Anthropology, genetics, racology.


history; culture and religion; languages; academic vocals; sport.

team_2 Svitlana Tkalenko
Head of Department of Economics, Vice-Director of the Institute
Dr.Sc, Assoc.Prof.
E-Mail: info@isedworld.org (indicated for Svitlana Tkalenko)

Diploma “Economics”, (Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, 1995).
PhD (Economic sciences), specialization “The world economy and international economic relations” (Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, 2003).

In December 2019, Deputy Director of the Institute Svetlana Tkalenko defended her doctoral dissertation at ChNTU (Chernigov) and received the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences (Doctor of Science, Dr.Sc). The topic of the dissertation is “Strategy of ensuring investment security of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration”.

Areas of research:

the search for innovative approaches to educational programs and research; the world economy and international economic relations; search for optimal ways of socioeconomic development; Economic and International Security in the epoch of Information Society.


reading; self-education; travelling.


Alexander Sukhinin

Director of Intelligence Center 

E-Mail: info@isedworld.org (indicated for Alexander Sukhinin)

The author of a practical guide for managers “Fundamentals of administrative apparatus management”

Diploma of the specialist “Psychologist”, Kiev Higher Naval Political School (1989 – 1993).


Experience in government and commercial organizations.

Development of blocks of analysis and forecast for monitoring systems. Development of an automated program for analyzing the internal and external environment of the organization and forecasting its development. Working model: http://my-medium.com. Creation of a system of non-contact analysis of a person. Development of the curriculum (“MEDIUM”). Development of integrated indicators for automatic information and analytical systems.

Areas of research:

Analysis of Internet data; forecasting; security.


self-education; history; political science; applied psychology; Information Technology; leisure.


Sergiy Holub
Head of Department of Intellectual Systems of Decision-making
D.Sc, Prof.
E-Mail: ised@isedworld.org (indicated for Sergiy Holub)

Author of more than 160 scientific works.
Diploma “Engineer-electromechanical”, specialization “Gear-building”(Cherkasy Engineering and Technological Institute, 1992).
PhD (Technical sciences), specialization “Devices and methods of control and protection of the environment, materials and products” (National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”(KPI), 1997).
D.Sc (Technical sciences), on “Methodology of automated tiered system of socio-ecological monitoring”, speciality “Information Technology” (Institute of Problems of Mathematical Machines and Systems of NAS of Ukraine, 2009).

Areas of research:

data mining; Information multilevel monitoring system based on a combination of multi hierarchical models; multiparameter modeling; design modeling complexes.


self-education; traveling; fishing.

Фото - ОлегOleg Khatian
Head of Department of Information Systems of Intelligence Center

E-Mail: ised@isedworld.org (indicated for Oleg Khatian)

Author of more than 30 scientific works.

Kiev Higher Military Communication School (KVVIDKUS) them. Kalinina, Faculty of Automated Control Systems (1985 – 1989).

Diploma “Systems Engineer”, specialization of “Real Time System” (Kiev National Technical University (KPI), 1996).
Experience in government and commercial organizations, research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Experience teaching special subjects.

Areas of research:

collection of Internet data; multilevel linguistic filtration, statistical estimation of thematic information flows; System for monitoring and analyzing the information space; Data mining, KDD / KDT, Big Data; ontologies, modeling of complex systems with elements of self-organization; Information Security.


self-education; history; anthropology; social Psychology; Information Technology; leisure.


Taisiya Rantyuk
Representative in the UK
E-Mail: ised@isedworld.org (indicated for Taisiya Rantyuk)

Diploma “Biologist”, specialization “Biochemistry” (Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, 2000).

Areas of research:

the impact of the environment and ecology on human health; social ecology.

reading, traveling, music, design.


Alisa Komar
Representative in the Estonia
E-Mail: ised@isedworld.org (indicated for Alisa Komar)

Diploma “Medicine”, specialization “Medical Business” (National Medical University named after Bogomolets, 2010).
Diploma “Medicine”, specialization “General Surgery” (Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 2013).

Areas of research:

General and Plastic Surgery; the impact of the environment and ecology on human health; social ecology.


music, reading, traveling.