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(English) UK completed the transition to the Soviet school system

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Quote in the picture: “Soviet education – the best in the world. We have to take a lot of it. The USSR won the space race at the school desk.” John Kennedy, President of the United States.

Both form and education.

UK completed the transition to the Soviet school system

United Kingdom’s Minister of Education Justin Greening on the BBC announced the completion of the transfer of the British high school to the Soviet education system. Britain began to adopt the Soviet experience in the mid-1980s, when, after the fall of the iron curtain, the Soviet system had an absolute advantage over the western one.

Justin Greening is a well-known British politician from the Conservative Party, since 2012 – Minister of International Development of the United Kingdom, Minister of Education and Minister for Women and Equal Opportunities in Theresa May’s office (Justin Green resigned in early 2018)

In her speech, the minister noted that British children are now learning from the brilliant textbooks of Landau, Rosenthal and Kolmogorov, translated into English without distorting the content. As a result, the quality of education they receive is two orders of magnitude better than what can be obtained in the best schools of continental Europe, and in Eton, where the Soviet system was introduced in 1995, presidents and prime ministers of the whole world are trying to arrange their children.

“We do not intend to stop there. After our high school fully adopted the experience of the USSR, it was time to pursue higher education. My department is already developing a project to change the system of scientific degrees: the UK will introduce the degree of candidate of sciences, which was previously used only in the Soviet system. After careful study, we came to the conclusion that having two degrees – a candidate and a doctor – is much more rational than one – a PhD, ”Greening said.

The minister also praised her Russian colleagues for their success in translating the Russian education system into Western standards. According to her, “when the West takes better from the East, and the East takes for itself, then the West does not need it, the world becomes more stable and safer.”

Image: Justin Greening

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  1. Is this satire? I’m confused, I feel like I’m reading a poorly written Russglish version of The Onion.

  2. No proof provided, as usual. Besides, she’s not a minister for about a year

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